#!/bin/sh set -eu #region logging setup if [ "${MISE_DEBUG-}" = "true" ] || [ "${MISE_DEBUG-}" = "1" ]; then debug() { echo "$@" >&2 } else debug() { : } fi if [ "${MISE_QUIET-}" = "1" ] || [ "${MISE_QUIET-}" = "true" ]; then info() { : } else info() { echo "$@" >&2 } fi error() { echo "$@" >&2 exit 1 } #endregion #region environment setup get_os() { os="$(uname -s)" if [ "$os" = Darwin ]; then echo "macos" elif [ "$os" = Linux ]; then echo "linux" else error "unsupported OS: $os" fi } get_arch() { musl="" if type ldd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then libc=$(ldd /bin/ls | grep 'musl' | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f1) if [ -n "$libc" ]; then musl="-musl" fi fi arch="$(uname -m)" if [ "$arch" = x86_64 ]; then echo "x64$musl" elif [ "$arch" = aarch64 ] || [ "$arch" = arm64 ]; then echo "arm64$musl" elif [ "$arch" = armv7l ]; then echo "armv7$musl" else error "unsupported architecture: $arch" fi } shasum_bin() { if command -v shasum >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "shasum" elif command -v sha256sum >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "sha256sum" else error "mise install requires shasum or sha256sum but neither is installed. Aborting." fi } get_checksum() { version=$1 os="$(get_os)" arch="$(get_arch)" url="https://github.com/jdx/mise/releases/download/${version}/SHASUMS256.txt" # For current version use static checksum otherwise # use checksum from releases if [ "$version" = "v2024.12.8" ]; then checksum_linux_x86_64="919a99e04b08a81792f32b804a9821f5e952685fba56635429b08bce732dd1aa ./mise-v2024.12.8-linux-x64.tar.gz" checksum_linux_x86_64_musl="c227d4f7642e3e71563a1524b1a7d436eedda3319911f2f258eba566177a6452 ./mise-v2024.12.8-linux-x64-musl.tar.gz" checksum_linux_arm64="ef390bcc150305f7ac4b275e77865231b33317dcb243378098330a2d579ac4f9 ./mise-v2024.12.8-linux-arm64.tar.gz" checksum_linux_arm64_musl="21ed04d8e0226a3bbac3a47d08178ff0c34a4ae8611f8217936c7bcda25dd403 ./mise-v2024.12.8-linux-arm64-musl.tar.gz" checksum_linux_armv7="ada25d148816d7fbe13dcc138882271cff0df90671be6ea15d4f329a1b7b5e1b ./mise-v2024.12.8-linux-armv7.tar.gz" checksum_linux_armv7_musl="9a181b9353152ae815fcdc520afc456bcfc06080c3d0f714056fcf02635baeee ./mise-v2024.12.8-linux-armv7-musl.tar.gz" checksum_macos_x86_64="2ca90236d5139722321d4c08e3b1379d2c8bf5d120894b0c34330011a0019bfd ./mise-v2024.12.8-macos-x64.tar.gz" checksum_macos_arm64="8734761ffed8d9a14e3ef7a59eb01db47c890e18c028bd42c15488365f7d559f ./mise-v2024.12.8-macos-arm64.tar.gz" if [ "$os" = "linux" ]; then if [ "$arch" = "x64" ]; then echo "$checksum_linux_x86_64" elif [ "$arch" = "x64-musl" ]; then echo "$checksum_linux_x86_64_musl" elif [ "$arch" = "arm64" ]; then echo "$checksum_linux_arm64" elif [ "$arch" = "arm64-musl" ]; then echo "$checksum_linux_arm64_musl" elif [ "$arch" = "armv7" ]; then echo "$checksum_linux_armv7" elif [ "$arch" = "armv7-musl" ]; then echo "$checksum_linux_armv7_musl" else warn "no checksum for $os-$arch" fi elif [ "$os" = "macos" ]; then if [ "$arch" = "x64" ]; then echo "$checksum_macos_x86_64" elif [ "$arch" = "arm64" ]; then echo "$checksum_macos_arm64" else warn "no checksum for $os-$arch" fi else warn "no checksum for $os-$arch" fi else if command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then debug ">" curl -fsSL "$url" checksums="$(curl --compressed -fsSL "$url")" else if command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then debug ">" wget -qO - "$url" stderr=$(mktemp) checksums="$(wget -qO - "$url")" else error "mise standalone install specific version requires curl or wget but neither is installed. Aborting." fi fi checksum="$(echo "$checksums" | grep "$os-$arch.tar.gz")" if ! echo "$checksum" | grep -Eq "^([0-9a-f]{32}|[0-9a-f]{64})"; then warn "no checksum for mise $version and $os-$arch" else echo "$checksum" fi fi } #endregion download_file() { url="$1" filename="$(basename "$url")" cache_dir="$(mktemp -d)" file="$cache_dir/$filename" info "mise: installing mise..." if command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then debug ">" curl -#fLo "$file" "$url" curl -#fLo "$file" "$url" else if command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then debug ">" wget -qO "$file" "$url" stderr=$(mktemp) wget -O "$file" "$url" >"$stderr" 2>&1 || error "wget failed: $(cat "$stderr")" else error "mise standalone install requires curl or wget but neither is installed. Aborting." fi fi echo "$file" } install_mise() { version="${MISE_VERSION:-v2024.12.8}" os="$(get_os)" arch="$(get_arch)" install_path="${MISE_INSTALL_PATH:-$HOME/.local/bin/mise}" install_dir="$(dirname "$install_path")" tarball_url="https://github.com/jdx/mise/releases/download/${version}/mise-${version}-${os}-${arch}.tar.gz" cache_file=$(download_file "$tarball_url") debug "mise-setup: tarball=$cache_file" debug "validating checksum" cd "$(dirname "$cache_file")" && get_checksum "$version" | "$(shasum_bin)" -c >/dev/null # extract tarball mkdir -p "$install_dir" rm -rf "$install_path" cd "$(mktemp -d)" tar -xzf "$cache_file" mv mise/bin/mise "$install_path" info "mise: installed successfully to $install_path" } after_finish_help() { case "${SHELL:-}" in */zsh) info "mise: run the following to activate mise in your shell:" info "echo \"eval \\\"\\\$($install_path activate zsh)\\\"\" >> \"${ZDOTDIR-$HOME}/.zshrc\"" info "" info "mise: this must be run in order to use mise in the terminal" info "mise: run \`mise doctor\` to verify this is setup correctly" ;; */bash) info "mise: run the following to activate mise in your shell:" info "echo \"eval \\\"\\\$($install_path activate bash)\\\"\" >> ~/.bashrc" info "" info "mise: this must be run in order to use mise in the terminal" info "mise: run \`mise doctor\` to verify this is setup correctly" ;; */fish) info "mise: run the following to activate mise in your shell:" info "echo \"$install_path activate fish | source\" >> ~/.config/fish/config.fish" info "" info "mise: this must be run in order to use mise in the terminal" info "mise: run \`mise doctor\` to verify this is setup correctly" ;; *) info "mise: run \`$install_path --help\` to get started" ;; esac } install_mise after_finish_help